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Coming soon - May 2025!


Community + Events

At the heart of any town is a community, and we cannot be part of Asheville without understanding that need. UKIAH is a team of passionate individuals, committed to more than “just a restaurant.” We have created long term partnerships with local vendors and organizations and are working on continuing to improve this. We have highlighted some of these amazing causes and businesses below.

Have an idea for us – or a great organization that we should know, recognize, or support? We are always looking for ways to do better.

Fort Lauderdale Coming Soon!

Book your Group Event

Celebrating a special event in Asheville? We can host your birthday, bachelorette + bachelor party, rehearsal dinner and so much more. Learn more about everything we offer below, or inquire now and one of our team members will get back to you.

Fort Lauderdale Coming Soon!

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